By Espark on Thu 11 Mar, 2021.

Ai-Mo Times

Hi, I am your host, 1ChillAnimator. My reporter friends, Druid, Espark, Joxteoz, Hspark, Artemis, PeacefulPotato, CoolNotFoolGuy, ArcticFox, and I, are going to present you the newspaper for today, 24/06/2020.

Polytopia News:

Today, our mods, with help from Midjiwan, said “Alright, it's time for the kickoo gameplay challenge to begin, and this month we have one directly from Midjiwan himself! Jewel in the Crown Perfection. Crazy difficulty. Exactly 3 AI. Nature Bunnies are banned. - You must reach the highest score with just your starting city. - You may not capture any other city - Screenshots required: Victory screen and shot of your city on your final turn.

Post your screenshots in #jewel-in-the-crown-submissions, which will close in 7 days' time. Channel history, as always, is hidden in that channel so there's no point in trying to have a discussion there. One submission per person, if anyone submits more than one entry only their first submission will be counted. The top 3 submissions will get a steam key and the winner will get the champion role.

Good luck! You must use the release version of polytopia (no steam).” (Goochie and Midjiwan)

This new Kickoo based contest is part of the Kickoo tribe moon. If people feel they can manage the challenge, they will need to hurry a bit, since they may only have one week. Nevertheless, it is possible the contest will continue after the Kickoo tribe moon ends. Finally, good discussions can be seen all around the server.

Ai-Mo News:

Today, we dedicated most of our energy toward the Kickoo gameplay challenge. We have a lot of skilled players that could easily make their way up in the scoreboard for this challenge and potentially win. However, winning the challenge will also take time and luck as a big part of getting a high score is finding a good spawn. It might take a player several attempts before they reach a score that makes it on the leaderboards. Each player can only submit one score, although they can attempt the challenge multiple times. If you do submit something, make sure it's your best one, and try to submit it near the end to give yourself more time to try and improve your score. If you are looking for advice on how to improve your score, read some of the strategy guides on the Polytopia wiki ( or ask one of our Elo Heroes, like Espark, for tips. #the-strategy-tent is a good place for this. We also had a new member claim that they will kill our tribe chat. Let's prove them wrong by starting some interesting discussions. In addition, our mission of spreading peace and serenity throughout the server continues. However, we also want to spread knowledge throughout the server and have added this to our mission.

Fan Made Tribe

Today from the archives we will present the Chrasta, made by THomez and Artemis: R:50 G:112 B:10 So anyway, this is how gifts will work, for now this is my plan You can give a certain number of gifts per turn The Gifts/presents are 2 stars, 1 pop I am not sure what other things so if I give another tribe a present, they receive 2stars ect. Then they are are more likely to be friends So then when they are friendly enough, they allow you to "live" in their cities so then your spt is increased to half the number of stars that city produces if you give a unit a present, it takes you 3 presents to make them friendly first then two more presents from a unit from a particular city to make them allow you in that city for example I am enemies with oumaji, I give them 2 presents and they are neutral. I give them 3 more, and they are friends then i give 2 presents to the units of Kekeke then they allow me in their city, so now i get the score of that city and half the amount stars that city produces is added to your spt you can create an elf with the pure purpose of remaining in the city it does not take up space and once you have one of these in every city, you win how gifts work is you build a building that produces gifts and the units that can take these and deliver them to the opponent units. Santa: Health: 50 Attack: 0 Defense: 6 Range: 2 Movement: 3 Gift storage: 10 Skills: Fly

Deliver(Warrior): Health: 10 Attack: 1 Defense: 2 Range: 1 Movement: 1 Gift storage:1 Skills: Dash

Flying presents(Catapult): Health: 10 Attack: 2 Defense: 1 Range: 3 Movement: 1 Gift storage:2 Skills: -

Gift sled(knight): Health: 15 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Range: 1 Movement: 3 Gift storage: 3 Skills: Dash, Persist may change the names if santa lands in a that elfs live in, then that city gets +1 pop, (only once) and you get a star, but he is delayed the next turn and cannot move (Thanks THomez and Artemis) (Tribe is still in development) - Thanks to everyone who reads this. Thanks to our editors: Druid, Espark and PeacefulPotato. Thanks to our reporters: Joxteoz, Hspark, CoolNotFoolGuy, Artemis and others. Thanks to ArcticFox for letting us use their website to post the Ai-Mo Times. Thanks to THomez and Artemis for making the fan tribe idea. Thanks to the mods and admins for letting us post this. Thanks to 1chill, our writer, host, and creator of the newspaper. Finally, thanks to you! Keep Up Ai-Mo!